This event is not just competition but also a way to gather all students related to petroleum industry in Asia-Pacific region...So,What you waiting for guys, register your university, join in our event, participate in the competition, and you will enjoy OGIP 2012 with theme A MOVEMENT FOR A MILLION CHANGES...

Monday, 12 December 2011

OGIP 2012

Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Intellectual Parade 2012 (OGIP 2012) is the sequel event from OGIP 2011 and Petronovoo 2010. 

Petronovoo 2010 is a greatest and biggest event that was held by the 2009-2010 Student Board of Petroleum Engineering Student UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. "The Golden Moment for The Golden Future" was became the theme of this event.  

BP Migas and other companies took a part in supporting this event. There were seminars, competitions, job fair and gathering event. The competitions were student Paper Competition, Smart Competition, and Plan of Development Competition. 

The theme of the seminar was “Pemenuhan kebutuhan Sumber Daya Manusia Guna Menghadapi Krisis Energi nasional" which invited Karen Agustiawan as Head of Pertamina, R. Priono as Head of bpmigas,  Darwin Saleh as our Minister of ESDM and etc. The theme of job fair was "The Best Way For The Best Future" which gave people opportunities to enhance their carrier. Some Universities in Indonesia has participated in Petronovoo 2010

Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Intellectual 2011 was held by the 2010-2011 Student Board of Petroleum Engineering Student UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta which invited professional and students in Asia Pacific Region.  With theme "Jadi Tuan Rumah di Negeri Sendiri

OGIP 2011 held several events such as : Gathering; P.O.D Competition; Paper Contest; Smart Competition; Talkshow Gas and Geothermal with the theme “Chance, Investment, Policy, and Challenge in Indonesia “ which invited DR. Ing. Evita H Legowo (Directorate of Oil and Gas), Ir. Galaila Karen Agustiawan ( Director of PT.Pertamina),etc ; Panel discussion which the topic “The role of government in regulating the energy of Oil, Gas, Geothermal, and Coal Bed Methane in Indonesia and The role of national and local oil, gas, and geothermal companies in creating the independency of energy in Indonesia” which invited DR. Ir. Bambang Setiawan (Directorate of Mineral, Coal and Geothermal), Ir. R.Priyono (Head of BPMIGAS),etc ; Job fair and exhibition; golf-meet and share.

On behalf of this success, we are as a petroleum engineering department UPN “Veteran“ Yogyakarta student board, we would try to hold a same event, the most prestigious event in 2012, this event is not just competition but also a way to gather all students related to petroleum industry in Asia Pacific region, sharing knowledge with all students in Asia Pacific Region and professionals in oil and gas industry, thinking about the better way to make a positive and innovative change and give great opportunity in pursuing career through oil and gas industry.

That is why, please come to Yogyakarta and participate in OGIP 2012 
“A Movement For A Million Changes"